About GCSA

The Gambia Cyber Security Alliance (GCSA) is a professional civil society organization, a well-recognized & registered 'Not-For-Profit' (NGO) organization with a single mission of spreading nationwide awareness programs on new age technological crimes & frauds and safeguarding people.

By extension we promote net neutrality, Internet safety, Internet governance by facilitating and organizing multiple stakeholder engagement, nationwide cyber security awareness programs, workshops, in collaboration with partners.

The Highest Standard in Cybersecurity Organisation

  • Integrity in all we do
  • honesty in our dealings
  • Ensuring safe space for the young
  • Integrity in all we do

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GCSA Staff Members

Board Members

Amadou A. Bah

The President Of GCSA

Ismiala Njie

The Vice Presidetnt of GCSA

Executive Members

Kaddijatou Sanneh

The Secretary General of GCSA

Ndey Touray

The Data Protection/Privacy Officer of GCSA

Lalo Kanteh

The Cybersecurity Policy Analyst of GCSA

Musa Dumbuya

Logistice & Media Officer of GCSA


Finance Officer of GCSA

Amadou Jallow

Program Manager of GCSA

Techinical Team Members

Dawda Borje Kujabi

Security Analyst & CTF Hacker of GCSA

Muhammed Camara

Security Analyst & CTF Hacker of GCSA